ShareASale Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Getting Started

When you enable ShareASale in the Segment web app, your changes appear in the Segment CDN in about 45 minutes, and then Analytics.js starts asynchronously loading the ShareASale tag onto your page. This means you should remove ShareASale’s snippet from your page.

  • Your ShareASale sidebar will begin appearing for your team.

ShareASale is a destination that is only supported on the client-side.


When you call Identify on analytics.js and you have enabled “Create Leads” in the advanced options, then we will create a lead for the user with the userId that you specify. Note that if the userId is not specified, then no lead is created.


ShareASale only supports the event “Order Completed”, which requires the following properties:

  • orderId
  • total or subtotal
  • an optional repeat property to signify whether a customer has bought from you before. Valid values for this property are true or false.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Create Leads boolean, defaults to FALSE .

This will create leads in ShareaSale for identify method calls that have a userID associated with them.
Merchant ID
string. The merchantId given to you by your ShareASale account manager.
Use total as amount boolean, defaults to FALSE .

By default, we set the amount as the subtotal without the discount, but this might cause problems for sources like Shopify. If you need to provide the amount in the total property directly, enable this setting.

This page was last modified: 08 Mar 2022

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