Errorception Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Getting Started

When you enable Errorception in the Segment web app, your changes appear in the Segment CDN in about 45 minutes, and then Analytics.js starts asynchronously loading Errorception’s beacon.js library on to your page. This means you should remove the original Errorception’s snippet from your page.

  • Your Errorception dashboard starts showing any JavaScript errors that occur on your site.

Errorception is only supported on the client-side.


This is only active if you set the meta setting to be true. When you call identify we set Errorception’s _errs.meta to be the traits you passed in.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Include custom user data with Errorception's error tracking boolean, defaults to TRUE .

When this option is enabled we will store metadata about the user on identify calls, using the Errorception meta API.
Project ID
string. You can find your Project ID under the Settings tab on the Project page of your Errorception account. Your Project ID is the long hexadecimal number inside _errs['PROJECT_ID']. You can also just copy it out of your Errorception URL, /projects/PROJECT_ID. It should be 24 characters long and look something like this: 326b76b52f52c3f662000140.

This page was last modified: 15 Jul 2022

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