Engage and Warehouses

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Engage provides a complete, up-to-date view of your users customer journey as it unfolds, and one of the best ways to understand the data produced by this journey is by analyzing the data in your data warehouse using SQL.

With Engage, you can send Computed Traits and Audiences to a data warehouse like Redshift, BigQuery, or Snowflake. This allows you to perform analysis and reporting around key customer audiences and campaigns, as well set up your user data as input into predictive models.

Segment makes it easy to load your customer profile data into a clean schema, so your analysts can help answer some of your toughest business questions.

Set up

When you build an audience or computed trait, you can configure it to send an identify call or a track call to your data warehouse, and additionally include mobile ids.

Configuring a data warehouse to receive identify and track calls

Identify calls for audiences

If you chose to send your Engage data as an identify call, Engage usually sends one call per user.

When you send audiences as an identify call, Engage includes a boolean trait that matches the audience name. When a user enters an audience the boolean is set to true, and when they exit, the boolean is set to false.

In the example below, you can see that the identify payload includes a trait of the audience first_time_shopper with the value of true.

  "type": "identify",
  "userId": u123,
  "traits": {
     "first_time_shopper": true // false when a user exits the audience

Identify calls for computed traits

When you send computed traits as an identify call, Engage sends a similar call with the computed value for that trait. In the example below, the trait total_revenue_180_days includes the calculated value of 450.00.

  "type": "identify",
  "userId": u123,
  "traits": {
     "total_revenue_180_days": 450.00

Warehouse schema for Engage identify calls

Engage identify calls appear in your warehouse using a similar format as normal Connections identify calls. Identify calls appear in two tables per Engage space. These tables are named with a prefix of engage_, then the Engage space name, followed by identifies or users. The identifies table contains a record of every identify call, and the users table contains one record per user_id with the most recent value.

The engage_ schema name is specific to the Engage space and cannot be modified. Additional audiences and computed traits appear as additional columns in these tables.


user_id first_time_shopper total_revenue_180_days
u123 true  
u123   450.0


user_id first_time_shopper total_revenue_180_days
u123 true 450.00

Track calls for audiences

When you send audiences using track calls, Engage sends an Audience Entered event when a user enters, and an Audience Exited event when the user exits, by default. These event names are configurable.

Engage also sends two event properties about the audience: the audience_key, which records the name of the audience that the event modifies, and the audience name and its value, as a separate key and value pair. The value of the audience key is populated with a boolean value.

In the example below, you can see that the audience_key is set to record a modification to the first_time_shopper audience, and the first_time_shopper value is set to true.

  "type": "track",
  "userId": u123,
  "event": "Audience Entered",
  "traits": {
     "audience_key": "first_time_shopper",
     "first_time_shopper": true

Track calls for computed traits

When you send computed traits, Engage sends a Trait Computed event that records which computed trait it updates, then records the updated key and value. You can also customize this event name.

Configuring connection settings to send computed traits

In the example below, the Trait Computed event contains the trait_key which records which computed trait is being modified, and then includes the key total_revenue_180_days with the updated value of 450.00.

  "type": "track",
  "userId": u123,
  "event": "Trait Computed",
  "traits": {
     "trait_key": "total_revenue_180_days",
     "total_revenue_180_days": 450.00

Warehouse schema for Engage track calls

Similar to track calls in Connections, Engage track calls appear in your warehouse as one table per event name. For example, if you configure your events called Audience Entered, Audience Exited, and Trait Computed, Engage would create tables like the following examples in your warehouse:


user_id audience_key first_time_shopper
u123 first_time_shopper true


user_id audience_key first_time_shopper
u123 first_time_shopper false


user_id total_revenue_180_days trait_key
u123 450.00 total_revenue_180_days

Users table

The users table is an aggregate view based on the user_id field. This means that anonymous profiles with just an anonymous_id identifier aren’t included in this view. You can still view identify calls for anonymous audiences and computed traits in the identifies table.

The users table is synced as soon as the warehouse is connected as a destination in Engage, if you’ve previously created Engage computations. As a result, the table might contain data from computations not directly connected to the warehouse.

Sync frequency

Although Engage can compute audiences and traits in real-time, these calculations are subject to the sync schedule allowed by your warehouses plan, which is usually hourly. You can check the warehouse sync history to see details about past and upcoming syncs. When you look at the sync schedule, sources with the engage_ prefix sync data from Engage.

Common questions

Can I prevent a table, a computed trait, or audience from syncing to my warehouse?

Yes. You can use Warehouses Selective Sync to manage which traits, audiences, and tables get synced from Engage.

Why are there multiple schemas prefixed with engage_ in my warehouse when I only have one space?

Segment can only connect a source to one instance of each destination. For example, one source cannot send to two different Amplitude instances. As a workaround, Engage creates multiple sources to send events to the destinations connected to your space.

For example, if you have three webhook destinations in your space, Engage creates three different sources to send events to them. This creates three different warehouse schemas, and is usually the reason you have more schemas than spaces.

This approach doesn’t apply to messaging destinations, however. Messaging destinations connected from journeys and broadcasts don’t generate multiple background sources.

This page was last modified: 30 Jan 2024

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