Olark Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Getting Started

When you enable Olark in the Segment web app, your changes appear in the Segment CDN in about 45 minutes, and then Analytics.js starts asynchronously loading Olark’s loader0.js onto your page. This means you should remove Olark’s snippet from your page.

  • Olark’s chat box will appear on your page, as configured in your Olark account, and you can start chatting with visitors.

Olark is only supported in device mode (on the client).


When you call page, we call Olark’s sendNotificationToOperator function as looking at *url*. You must enable this option with the pageview flag, because it can sometimes be bothersome.


When you call identify on analytics.js, we send the following data to Olark:

  • We call api.chat.updateVisitorNickname with traits.name and traits.email, or just their traits.name or just their traits.email or their userId. In that order of preference.
  • We call api.visitor.updateEmailAddress with traits.email if you send it, or userId if that’s an email.
  • We call api.visitor.updateFullName with traits.name if you send it, or traits.firstName and traits.lastName appended with a space in between, if you send both first and last name.
  • We call api.visitor.updatePhoneNumber with traits.phone if you send it.
  • We call api.visitor.updateCustomFields with traits.

More documentation on the Olark API can be found in Olark’s docs.


When you call track or one of its helpers on analytics.js, we call Olark’s sendNotificationToOperator function as visitor triggered *eventName*. You must enable this option with the track flag, because it can sometimes be bothersome.


Customizing the chat box

All the settings you can change from your Olark settings pages, like targeted chat and your chat box design, still work exactly the same when Olark is enabled using Segment.

Olark JavaScript API

If you’d like to use the native Olark JavaScript functions after turning on Olark using Segment our ready function will allow you to do that. Since we still load the Olark library in the background you can access those functions like this:


Read the ready docs for more details

Record Live Chat Events

Using Olark through Segment gives you the ability to automatically record track events for live chat conversations. If you select this option, we’ll collect the following events:

  • Live Chat Conversation Started
  • Live Chat Message Sent
  • Live Chat Message Received

These events will be sent to other tools in your stack that can accept track calls, so you can do things like analyze if users who chat spend more money over time.

To learn more about the live chat events you can capture with this destination, head on over to our Live Chat spec docs.

Turn on Olark


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Group ID string. If you want to use Olark across multiple different websites under the same account, create an Olark Group and add the ID here.
Show the user's name or email chat console boolean, defaults to TRUE .

Show the user’s name or email from analytics.identify() in the Olark chat console
Use inline chat box boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Configures whether the chat box should be inlined or not
Record live chat events. boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Automatically send Live Chat message events, conversation starts and ends to other tools you have enabled.
Log pageviews to the Olark chat console boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Log pageviews to the Olark chat console
Site ID
string. You can find your Site ID on the Olark Install page. It should look something like this: 9385-174-10-1457.
Log custom events from analytics.track() to the Olark chat console boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Log custom events from analytics.track() to the Olark chat console

This page was last modified: 20 Mar 2024

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