Chartbeat Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Our Chartbeat destination code is open-source on GitHub if you want to check it out.

Getting Started

When you enable Chartbeat in the Segment web app, your changes appear in the Segment CDN in about 45 minutes, and then Analytics.js starts asynchronously loading chartbeat.js onto your page. This means you should remove Chartbeat’s snippet from your page.

  • Your Chartbeat real-time dashboard will start showing live concurrent visitors.

Chartbeat is only supported on the client-side.


The page method in Analytics.js will call Chartbeat’s virtualPage function with either the Url you provide or the current window’s pathname. Use the page method if you have a one-page app that doesn’t reload the browser page between views.

You can also set a section and author for each page. For example,'putSectionHere', 'putNameOfPageHere', { author: 'putAuthorNameHere' }.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
string. The same domain name you entered when adding your site’s dashboard to Chartbeat. Don’t include the www. because Chartbeat handles that for you automatically.
sendNameAndCategoryAsTitle boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Chartbeat expects the document.title ( Segment page’s props.title) to populate as title. </br> </br> This setting respects Segment’s legacy behavior of setting the page name and category as title for existing users, but defaults new users to the correct behavior of sending document.title as title to Chartbeat, and allows current users to opt-in to the correct behavior if they chose.
string. You can find your UID on the Chartbeat Adding The Code page.
Use Chartbeat Video Script boolean, defaults to FALSE .

If you select this option, we’ll load chartbeat_video.js instead of chartbeat.js. The video library has the ability to listen for play/pause events from HTML5 video tags and common 3rd party video players.

This page was last modified: 27 Oct 2023

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