Userpilot Web (Actions) Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Userpilot helps product teams deliver personalized in-app experiences to increase growth metrics at every stage of the user journey. When you integrate Userpilot with Segment, you can send your Segment events to Userpilot, which allows you to create more personalized experiences for your users.

This destination is maintained by Userpilot. For any issues with the destination, contact Userpilot’s Support team.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.
  2. Find the Destinations Actions item in the left navigation, and click it.
  3. Click Configure Userpilot Web (Actions).
  4. Select an existing Source to connect to Userpilot Web (Actions).
  5. Find your Userpilot App Token in the installation dashboard.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Page method does. An example call would look like:

Calling the page from analytics.js triggers the userpilot.reload method that will check for any current running experiences on that page and fetch any new experiences that satisfy the specifed page settings.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.identify('userId123', {
  email: ''

Calling identify from analytics.js will trigger the userpilot.identify. Segment recommends passing as much data as possible to get the most out of Userpilot.

Data passed in an Identify call can be organized under different categories.

  • Properties about the user such as plan or userRole to help targeting a specifc segment
  • Properties to personalize the content of the Userpilot experiences, such as name or company
  • Properties to target users based on their lifecycle, such as createdAt, which allows you to target newly created accounts or accounts that have yet to achieve a certain feature in the user lifecyle


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.track('Clicked Login Button')

Calling track from analytics.js will trigger userpilot.track. This sends event data to Userpilot where it can be used for content triggering.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
The API endpoint the SDK would connect to string. By default, Userpilot would use a service discovery mechanism to determine the API endpoint to connect to. If you are using a proxy or a firewall, you can specify the API endpoint here.
Segment Loads Userpilot JS
boolean, defaults to TRUE .

By default, Segment will load the Userpilot JS snippet onto the page. If you are already loading the Userpilot JS onto the page then disable this setting and Segment will detect the Userpilot JS on the page
App Token
string. Your Userpilot app token, you can find it in the Userpilot installation dashboard.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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