Gameball (Actions) Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Gameball is an all-in-one customer loyalty marketing platform that empowers brands to create personalized retention campaigns, helping them grow and monetize their customer base using cutting-edge gamification strategies. Using Gameball, you can increase customer lifetime value and secure unmatched conversion rates - capturing untapped opportunities.

This destination is maintained by Gameball. For any issues with the destination, contact the Gameball Support team..

Benefits of Gameball (Actions) vs Gameball Classic

Gameball (Actions) provides the following benefits over the classic Gameball destination:

Fewer settings: Data mapping for actions-based destinations happens in during configuration, which eliminates the need for most settings. Clearer mapping of data: Actions-based destinations enable you to define the mapping between the data Segment receives from your source, and the data Segment sends to the destination. Support for Gameball V3 API: Gameball (Actions) is built on the latest version of Gameball APIs.

Getting started

  1. Go to your Gameball dashboard. Click Settings in the bottom left, then click on Account Integration. Copy the API Key and Secret Key.
  2. From your Segment workspace’s Destination catalog page search for Gameball.
  3. Select Gameball (Actions) and click Add Destination.
  4. Select an existing Source to connect to Gameball (Actions).
  5. Enter the API Key and Secret key in the destination settings in Segment.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
API Key Required.

Go to help center to learn how to find your API Key.

Secret Key Required.

Go to help center to learn how to find your API Key.

Available Presets

Gameball (Actions) has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Track Events Event type = "track" and event != "Order Completed"
Track Event
Track Orders Event type = "track" and event = "Order Completed"
Track Order
Create Or Update Players Event type = "identify"
Identify Player

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Gameball-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Identify Player

This Action used to create or update a player in Gameball with the provided attributes.

Identify Player is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Player ID* Type: STRING

Unique identifier for the player in your database.

Mobile Number Type: STRING

Player’s unique mobile number.

Email Type: STRING

Player’s unique email.

Display Name Type: STRING

Player’s display name

First Name Type: STRING

Player’s first name

Last Name Type: STRING

Player’s last name

Gender Type: STRING

Player’s gender.

Date Of Birth Type: DATETIME

Player’s date of birth

Join Date Type: DATETIME

Player’s join date at your system.

Country Type: STRING

Player’s country.

City Type: STRING

Player’s city

Zip code Type: STRING

Player’s zip code

Preferred language Type: STRING

Player’s preferred language

Guest Type: BOOLEAN

A boolean value indicating if the customer who placed this order is a guest. The default is false.


Player’s utms

Devices Type: OBJECT

Player’s used devices

Total Spent Type: NUMBER

Player’s total spent amount

Last Order Date Type: DATETIME

Player’s last order date

Total Orders Type: NUMBER

Player’s total orders

Average Order Amount Type: NUMBER

Player’s average order amount

Tags Type: STRING

Comma separated string of tags to be attached to the player.

Player Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Key value pairs of any extra player attributes.

Referrer Code Type: STRING

Referring player’s referral code. This is used in case of referral, where the player to be created is referred by the player having this code.

Level Order Type: NUMBER

The level order to place the player in. IMPORTANT: manual player leveling is available under special circumstances and is not available by default. Contact us for more info.

Device Token Type: STRING

The FCM token (Firebase Cloud Messaging) needed for sending mobile push notifications. (Used only in case of mobile app)

Track Event

This action allows you to track and send your players’ events to Gameball.

Track Event is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the event

Event Metadata Type: OBJECT

The event metadata to send to Gameball

Player ID* Type: STRING

Unique identifier for the player in your database.

Mobile Number Type: STRING

Player’s unique mobile number.

Email Type: STRING

Player’s unique email.

Track Order

This action used to track orders. They are designed specifically for E-Commerce Solutions.

Track Order is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: event = "Order Completed"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Player ID* Type: STRING

Unique identifier for the player in your database.

Mobile Number Type: STRING

Player’s unique mobile number.

Email Type: STRING

Player’s unique email.

Order Id* Type: STRING

Unique order ID which identifies the underlying order in your system, e.g. order number, invoice number. It will be used for reversing any reward or redemption transaction on Gameball.

Order Date* Type: DATETIME

The date this order was placed, as an ISO8601 timestamp. Defaults to now if not provided.

Total Price* Type: NUMBER

The sum of all order items’ prices, including discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips. (Note: totalPaid is part of the totalPrice). Must be positive.

Total Paid* Type: NUMBER

The actual paid amount to the store. (Based on this amount, the player will be rewarded. Also, According to the Cashback Configuration). Must be positive.

Total Shipping Type: NUMBER

The total shipping price of the order. Must be positive.

Total Tax Type: NUMBER

The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in the shop currency. Must be positive.

Total Discount Type: NUMBER

Total discount applied on this order. Must be positive.

Line Items Type: OBJECT

A list of line items, each containing information about an item in the order.

Discount Codes Type: STRING

An array of discount codes.

Redeemed Amount Type: NUMBER

Monetary value of the redeemed points to be used by that player while placing his order. Note: If this field is set, then the holdReference value should be null. Also, both fields could be null.

Hold Reference Type: STRING

Hold reference ID received after calling Hold Points API. This is used in case you want to use already held points. Note: If this field is set, then the redeemedAmount value should be null. Also, both fields could be null.

Guest Type: BOOLEAN

A boolean value indicating if the customer who placed this order is a guest. The default is false.

Extra Type: OBJECT

Key value pair(s) of any extra information about the order. The key values must be of type string or number

Merchant Id Type: STRING

Merchant unique id or code

Merchant Name Type: STRING

Merchant name

Branch Id Type: STRING

Branch unique id or code

Branch Name Type: STRING

Branch name

Migration from the classic Gameball destination

Keep in mind if you plan to move to Gameball (Actions) from a classic Gameball destination that Gameball (Actions) uses Gameball’s HTTP API v3.


You can send computed traits and audiences generated using Engage to this destination as a user property. To learn more about Engage, schedule a demo.

For user-property destinations, an identify call is sent to the destination for each user being added and removed. The property name is the snake_cased version of the audience name, with a true/false value to indicate membership. For example, when a user first completes an order in the last 30 days, Engage sends an Identify call with the property order_completed_last_30days: true. When the user no longer satisfies this condition (for example, it’s been more than 30 days since their last order), Engage sets that value to false.

When you first create an audience, Engage sends an Identify call for every user in that audience. Later audience syncs only send updates for users whose membership has changed since the last sync.

Real-time to batch destination sync frequency

Real-time audience syncs to Gameball (Actions) may take six or more hours for the initial sync to complete. Upon completion, a sync frequency of two to three hours is expected.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
password. Go to help center to learn how to find your API Key.
Secret Key
password. Go to help center to learn how to find your API Key.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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