Quickstart: Analytics.js

This tutorial gets you started sending data from your website to Segment and any of Segment’s destinations, using Segment’s Analytics.js library.

Want to learn more? Check out the Analytics.js reference.

Step 1: Create a source in the Segment app

Before you begin, you need a Workspace (which is a container that holds all of the Sources and Destinations that are billed together for an organization). You can sign up for a free Segment account and create a workspace.

To create an Analytics.js source source in the Segment app:

  1. Click Add Source.
  2. From the source catalog page, click JavaScript.
  3. Click Add Source again from the informational panel that appears to the right.
  4. Give the source a display name, and enter the URL the source will collect data from.

When you create a source in the Segment web app, it tells the Segment servers that you’ll be sending data from a specific source type. When you create (or change) a source in the Segment app, Segment generates a new write key for that source. You use the write key in your website code to tell Segment servers where the data is coming from, so Segment can route it to your Destinations and other tools.

Step 2: Install Segment to your site

You can choose to install Segment to your site in 1 of 2 ways:

a. Add the Segment snippet to your app

b. Install Segment as a NPM package

Step 2a: Add the Segment Snippet

You can find the latest version of the Segment snippet in the Overview tab of your Javascript source.

To add the Segment snippet to your app:

Paste the snippet into the <head> tag of your site to install Segment.

!function(){var i="analytics",analytics=window[i]=window[i]||[];if(!analytics.initialize)if(analytics.invoked)window.console&&console.error&&console.error("Segment snippet included twice.");else{analytics.invoked=!0;analytics.methods=["trackSubmit","trackClick","trackLink","trackForm","pageview","identify","reset","group","track","ready","alias","debug","page","screen","once","off","on","addSourceMiddleware","addIntegrationMiddleware","setAnonymousId","addDestinationMiddleware","register"];analytics.factory=function(e){return function(){if(window[i].initialized)return window[i][e].apply(window[i],arguments);var n=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);if(["track","screen","alias","group","page","identify"].indexOf(e)>-1){var c=document.querySelector("link[rel='canonical']");n.push({__t:"bpc",c:c&&c.getAttribute("href")||void 0,p:location.pathname,u:location.href,s:location.search,t:document.title,r:document.referrer})}n.unshift(e);analytics.push(n);return analytics}};for(var n=0;n<analytics.methods.length;n++){var key=analytics.methods[n];analytics[key]=analytics.factory(key)}analytics.load=function(key,n){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript";t.async=!0;t.setAttribute("data-global-segment-analytics-key",i);t.src="https://cdn.segment.com/analytics.js/v1/" + key + "/analytics.min.js";var r=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.parentNode.insertBefore(t,r);analytics._loadOptions=n};analytics._writeKey="YOUR_WRITE_KEY";;analytics.SNIPPET_VERSION="5.2.1";
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
  // define the key where the global analytics object will be accessible
  // customers can safely set this to be something else if need be
  var globalAnalyticsKey = "analytics"

  // Create a queue, but don't obliterate an existing one!
  var analytics = window[globalAnalyticsKey] = window[globalAnalyticsKey] || [];

  // If the real analytics.js is already on the page return.
  if (analytics.initialize) return;

  // If the snippet was invoked already show an error.
  if (analytics.invoked) {
    if (window.console && console.error) {
      console.error("Segment snippet included twice.");

  // Invoked flag, to make sure the snippet
  // is never invoked twice.
  analytics.invoked = true;

  // A list of the methods in Analytics.js to stub.
  analytics.methods = [

  // Define a factory to create stubs. These are placeholders
  // for methods in Analytics.js so that you never have to wait
  // for it to load to actually record data. The `method` is
  // stored as the first argument, so we can replay the data.
  analytics.factory = function(e) {
    return function() {
      if (window[globalAnalyticsKey].initialized) {
        // Sometimes users assigned analytics to a variable before analytics is done loading, resulting in a stale reference.
        // If so, proxy any calls to the 'real' analytics instance.
        return window[globalAnalyticsKey][e].apply(window[globalAnalyticsKey], arguments);
      var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
      // Add buffered page context object so page information is always up-to-date
      if (["track", "screen", "alias", "group", "page", "identify"].indexOf(e) > -1) {
        var c = document.querySelector("link[rel='canonical']");
          __t: "bpc",
          c: c && c.getAttribute("href") || undefined,
          p: location.pathname,
          u: location.href,
          s: location.search,
          t: document.title,
          r: document.referrer

      return analytics;

  // For each of our methods, generate a queueing stub.
  for (var i = 0; i < analytics.methods.length; i++) {
    var key = analytics.methods[i];
    analytics[key] = analytics.factory(key);

  // Define a method to load Analytics.js from our CDN,
  // and that will be sure to only ever load it once.
  analytics.load = function(key, options) {
    // Create an async script element based on your key.
    var t = document.createElement("script");
    t.type = "text/javascript";
    t.async = true;
    t.setAttribute("data-global-segment-analytics-key", globalAnalyticsKey)
    t.src = "https://cdn.segment.com/analytics.js/v1/" + key + "/analytics.min.js";

    // Insert our script next to the first script element.
    var first = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    first.parentNode.insertBefore(t, first);
    analytics._loadOptions = options;
  analytics._writeKey = "YOUR_WRITE_KEY";


  // Add a version to keep track of what's in the wild.
  analytics.SNIPPET_VERSION = "5.2.1";

  // Load Analytics.js with your key, which will automatically
  // load the tools you've enabled for your account. Boosh!

  // Make the first page call to load the integrations. If
  // you'd like to manually name or tag the page, edit or
  // move this call however you'd like.

Replace YOUR_WRITE_KEY in the snippet you pasted with your Segment project’s Write Key. Find the write key in your project set up guide or in the source’s settings.

When you use Analytics.js in device-mode, the source’s Write Key is public, because it runs in a user’s browser and can be accessed using the browser’s developer tools. If this is not acceptable to your organization, you can explore other Segment Sources which collect data from a server-based installation, and which are not accessible to the user.

That snippet loads Analytics.js onto the page asynchronously, so it won’t affect your page load speed. Once the snippet is running on your site, you can turn on destinations from the destinations page in your workspace and they start loading on your site automatically.

Note that you should remove other native third-party destination code that you might have on your site. For example, if you’re using Segment to send data to Google Analytics, make sure you remove the Google Analytics snippet from your site source code to prevent sending the data twice.

If you only want the most basic Google Analytics setup, there’s no need to continue with the setup. Just toggle on Google Analytics in the Segment interface.

A lot of analytics and marketing tools need to record who each user is on your site. If you want to use any tool that deals with the identity of your users, read on about the Identify method.

Step 2b: Install Segment as a npm package

To install Segment as a npm package:

  1. Install the analytics package.

     # npm
     npm install @segment/analytics-next
     # yarn
     yarn add @segment/analytics-next
     # pnpm
     pnpm add @segment/analytics-next
  2. Import and initialize the analytics.

     import { AnalyticsBrowser } from '@segment/analytics-next'
     export const analytics = AnalyticsBrowser.load({ writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY' })
     // or 
     export const analytics = new AnalyticsBrowser()
     analytics.load({ writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY' })

For more initialization patterns and general information on @segment/analytics-next, see the repository’s README.

Step 3: Identify users

For any of the different methods described in this quickstart, you can replace the properties and traits in the code samples with variables that represent the data collected.

The Identify method is how you tell Segment who the current user is. It includes a unique User ID, and any optional traits you know about them. You can read more about it in the identify method reference.

You don’t need to call Identify for anonymous visitors to your site. Segment automatically assigns them an anonymousId, so just calling page and track works just fine without Identify.

Here’s what a basic call to Identify might look like:

analytics.identify('f4ca124298', {
  name: 'Michael Brown',
  email: 'mbrown@example.com'

This identifies Michael by his unique User ID (in this case, f4ca124298, which is what you know him by in your database) and labels him with name and email traits.

When you actually put that code on your site, you need to replace those hard-coded trait values with the variables that represent the details of the currently logged-in user.

To do that, Segment recommends that you use a backend template to inject an Identify call into the footer of every page of your site where the user is logged in. That way, no matter what page the user first lands on, they will always be identified. You don’t need to call Identify if your unique identifier (userId) is not known.

Depending on your templating language, your actual Identify call might look something like this:

analytics.identify(' {{user.id}} ', {
  name: '{{user.fullname}}',
  email: '{{user.email}}'

With that call in your page footer, you successfully identify every user that visits your site.

If you only want to use a basic CRM setup, you can stop here. Just enable Salesforce, Intercom, or any other CRM system from your Segment workspace, and Segment starts sending all of your user data to it.

A lot of analytics tools record more than just identities as they record the actions each user performs too. If you’re looking for a complete event tracking analytics setup, keep reading…

Step 4: Track actions

The Track method is how you tell Segment about the actions your users are performing on your site. Every action triggers what’s called an “event”, which can also have associated properties. You can read more about Track in the track method reference.

Here’s what a call to a Track call might look like when a user signs up:

analytics.track('Signed Up', {
  plan: 'Enterprise'

That tells Segment that your user triggered the Signed Up event, and chose your hypothetical 'Enterprise' plan. Properties can be anything you want to record, for example:

analytics.track('Article Bookmarked', {
  title: 'Snow Fall',
  subtitle: 'The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek',
  author: 'John Branch'

If you’re just getting started, some of the events you should track are events that indicate the success of your site, like Signed Up, Item Purchased or Article Bookmarked.

To get started, Segment recommends that you track just a few important events. You can always add more later.

After you add a few Track calls, you successfully installed Analytics.js tracking. Now you’re ready to turn on any destination you like from the Segment interface.

What’s next?

You might want to check out the full Analytics.js reference to see what else is possible, or read about the Tracking API methods to get a sense for the bigger picture.

If you’re running an ecommerce site or app you should also check out Segment’s ecommerce API reference to make sure your products and checkout experience are instrumented properly.

This page was last modified: 29 Feb 2024

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