Analytics Kotlin Intercom Plugin

Intercom makes customer messaging apps for sales, marketing, and support, connected on one platform. The Intercom Destination Plugin is open-source. You can browse the Kotlin code for Android on GitHub.

Getting Started

  1. From the Segment Destinations page click Add Destination.
  2. Search for “Intercom” and select it in the results that appear.
  3. Select a source to connect to your Intercom destination.
  4. Authorize your Intercom account in Segment and select the Intercom Account to sync with Segment.
  5. Find your “App ID” in the Intercom UI or by navigating to the Gear Menu and selecting App Settings > API Keys. It should look something like 9iefb489.

Adding the dependency

To install the Segment-Intercom integration, add this line to your gradle file:


Or the following for Kotlin DSL


Using the plugin in your app

Open the file where you set up and configured the Analytics-Kotlin library. Add this plugin to the list of imports.


Just under your Analytics-Kotlin library setup, call analytics.add(plugin = ...) to add an instance of the plugin to the Analytics timeline.

    analytics = Analytics("<YOUR WRITE KEY>", applicationContext) {
        this.flushAt = 3
        this.trackApplicationLifecycleEvents = true
    analytics.add(plugin = IntercomDestination(applicationContext))

Your events will now begin to flow to Intercom in device-mode.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Spec, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.identify("user-123", buildJsonObject {
    put("name", "Iñigo Montoya")
    put("email", "")
    put("company", {
        "id": 123, 
        "name": "Iñigo & Friends Holding Company"
    put("createdAt", "Mon Mar 26 2018 17:44:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)")

When you call Identify, Segment creates or updates the user in Intercom using their Contacts API. Segment does not currently support creating leads

Intercom associates Track events with known users. An Identify call with a userId is required before Track events are associated properly. Segment’s bundled mobile SDKs also require that Identify be called prior to Track, but accepts setting an unknown user in Intercom using the anonymousId.

  • Passing creates a new Intercom Company if the company_id does not match an existing company_id. See the Intercom contact model documentation for more details.
  • Trait values must be no longer than 255 characters

Intercom supports both logged-in or logged-out users. You must register your users with Intercom before you can talk to them or see what they do in your app. This means that Identify must be called before Track.

Intercom allows you to track only known or only unknown users, or all users regardless of identification status. Segment supports the ability to track all users regardless of identification status by checking for logged in users (determined by the userId) and falling back to setting the user as “Unidentified” when this is not present.

Intercom knows when your app is backgrounded and comes alive again, so you won’t need to re-register your users.

Segment maps the following Intercom standard attributes on Identify.

Segment Parameter Intercom Parameter Description
traits.userId user_id The user ID for this user. email The email of this user. name The full name of this user. phone The phone number for this user. company The company associated for this user.
traits.signedUpAt created_at The signed up date as an NSDate (iOS) & Long (Android)
integrations.intercom.language_override languageOverride The language override code for this user.
integrations.intercom.unsubscribed unsubscribedFromEmails A boolean indicating if the user has unsubscribed from emails.
remaining traits customAttributes Custom attributes for this user.

Intercom supports String, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character, Byte, Short or Integer type values on Android. Pass Android traits using camel case to conform with Java convention.

Collect Context

When this option is selected, Identify calls include contextual information collected by Segment’s mobile libraries if it is available. This info is set as Custom Attributes on the Intercom user.

The fields collected from the context object are device.type, device.manufacturer, device.model,, os.version,, app.version and appear in Intercom as device_type, device_manufacturer, device_model, os_name, os_version, app_name and app_version.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Spec, take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.track("View Product", buildJsonObject {
    put("productId", 123)
    put("productName" "Striped trousers")

Because Intercom only associates Track events with known users, an Identify call with a userId is required before Track events are associated properly.

Revenue and currency properties

If you send properties.revenue and properties.currency to Intercom, Segment formats those properties according to Intercom’s Monetary Amount and sends them to Segment as:

price: {
  amount: <properties.revenue> * 100, // since Intercom requires this in cents
  currency: <properties.currency> // defaults to 'usd'

If properties.revenue is not present, the bundled mobile integrations check and assign the total value as the properties.revenue or amount value.

Limited Properties

Intercom can only store 5 event properties per event. If you send an event to Segment with more than 5 properties, Intercom only shows the first 5 properties.

Limited Events

In Intercom, an “Active” event is an event that hasn’t been archived. Intercom only allows a total of 120 unique active event names. If you’re sending Segment more than 120 unique event names, Intercom only accepts the first 120 events that their servers encounter. Any additional unique event names will result in an error.

If you need to bring your account back under the 120 event limit, archive some events from in the Intercom UI by navigating to Settings > (workspace name) data > Events, then click on the event to archive.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Spec, take a look to understand what the Group method does. An example call would look like:"user-123", buildJsonObject {
    put("username", "MisterWhiskers")
    put("email", "")
    put("plan", "premium")

Segment supports Intercom companies in all sources. Users can be put into multiple groups, which associate them to multiple companies in Intercom.

When you call Group from any of any server-side libraries or mobile sources in cloud-mode (without Segment’s mobile Intercom SDK installed), you must include either the userId or email of an existing user in Intercom.

In order for the Company Sessions Count to update within Intercom, the company must first be recorded in an Identify call.

Segment Parameter Intercom Parameter Description
groupId companyId The ID for the company. name The name of the company.
traits.plan plan The plan of the company.
traits.monthly_spend monthlySpend The monthly spend of the company. The company associated for this user.
traits.createdAt intercomSettings.created_at The UNIX timestamp when the user was created.
remaining traits customAttributes Custom attributes for this user.

Intercom supports String, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character, Byte, Short or Integer type values on Android. Pass Android traits using camel case to conform with Java convention.


The bundled mobile SDK reset method un-registers a user in Intercom. When users want to log out of your app and you call Segment’s reset method, Segment calls:


Best Practices

Arrays and Objects

Intercom doesn’t support custom arrays or objects. If you want to send a certain user trait or event property to Intercom, you must send them at the top level instead of in an array or object.

This limitation does not apply if you are mapping custom traits or properties to company objects on Identify calls.

This page was last modified: 20 Mar 2024

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