
ConfigCat Feature Flags

  • ConfigCat is a feature flag and remote configuration service that allows developers to quickly and easily control the functionality of their applications.

  • With ConfigCat, you can turn features on and off, alter their configurations, and roll out updates gradually to specific users or groups.

  • Targeting is supported through attributes, percentage-based rollouts, and segmentation, allowing you to tailor the experience for your users.

  • ConfigCat is available for all major programming languages and frameworks and can be accessed as a SaaS or self-hosted service.


How ConfigCat Works

On the ConfigCat Dashboard you can turn features on and off, alter their configurations, and roll out updates gradually to specific users or groups. 

Integrate ConfigCat SDKs to your applications. ConfigCat SDKs are available for all major programming languages and frameworks.


Get more out of ConfigCat with Segment

With this integration, you can send ConfigCat feature flag evaluation events to Segment and distribute these events across your analytics tools.

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Integrate ConfigCat with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up ConfigCat.