Periscope Data
Connect databases and create beautiful visualizations
Customizes SQL data into bar charts, line charts, sparkline charts, scatter charts, area charts, and bubble charts for at-a-glance data analysis
“Editron SQL Editor” allows businesses to query revision history, has autocomplete, formatting, and universal syntax
Stores reusable SQL snippets to enable code pulls from a data library with a few clicks
Supports drag-and-drop dashboard builder to enable category sorting into columns, rows, values, and filters
Automates email alerts when query results differ from predefined values, so businesses can be alerted about data changes
How Periscope Data works
Periscope is a fast and intuitive data visualization platform, but it’s up to you to input the right data in the right format in order for it to become useful. Periscope accepts structured data from a wide variety of inputs, including from analytic data warehouses such as AWS Redshift. To connect to Periscope using a service like Redshift, you will need some information about the server that hosts the database you want to connect to, the database name, user credentials, and any security or permissions flags. Keep in mind that Periscope cannot connect to databases hosted on local machines.
Get more out of Periscope Data with Segment
If you have a data warehouse with Segment, you can quickly and easily connect your Segment data to Periscope in a few minutes. All of the data you have collected with Segment can be loaded into your warehouse, and thereby you have the potential to view and interact with all of your data within Periscope. This includes data across all of your Segment sources: websites, mobile applications, servers, and even other cloud sources. Enabling Periscope with Segment does not require any administration beyond entering your account details to enable the connection, and no additional software is required.
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Segment makes it easy to set up Periscope Data.