Mobile app management
Monitors mobile app performance based on app, operating system, carrier, network, cloud services, revenue risk, and mobile transactions
Supports configurable alerts prioritized by business impact, geography, number, and user segment affected
Creates mobile trend reports so marketers can optimize app performance based on cash trends, device, volume, errors, etc.
How Apteligent works
Getting set up with Apteligent requires an implementation of the Apteligent SDK. You’ll need to bundle the Apteligent SDK in your iOS and Android apps, and configure your code appropriately. Once you have the base SDK installed, you’ll need to write code for any additional customer data you want to collect, like who people are and what actions they’re taking in your app. Ideally that means taking the time to plan out the data you need, then learning the methods and data schema that Apteligent uses so you can add hooks to your code to send data to Apteligent in the format they expect.
Get more out of Apteligent with Segment
Segment lets you automatically bundle Apteligent’s SDKs within your Segment SDK on both Android and iOS. This enables you to use all the features of Apteligent without manually installing the Apteligent SDK. In fact, if you bundle the SDKs in this manner, there’s no need for additional custom coding on top of your existing Segment implementation. Your Segment events and user traits data are translated and sent in the format Apteligent expects. Parameters can be configured according to your needs directly within your Segment dashboard.
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Integrate Apteligent with Segment
Segment makes it easy to set up Apteligent.