
App performance management

  • Monitors mobile or web application performance so app providers can identify slow page load times

  • Collects real-time information like page views, user details

  • Helps create visualizations of browser and application performance

  • Tracks app crashes so you can see which line of code is causing Node.js and JavaScript errors

  • Provides detailed error reports outlining stack traces, URL information, user information, tags, and custom data


How Atatus works

Atatus tracks your application status and performance by means of a code snippet, installed in the language that your server uses. Not all languages are supported, so check Atatus’s site to make sure they have a library you can use. Installing one of the Atatus code snippets means creating new code to run for each data collection point.

Track errors both for your JS frontend as well as your backend apps
Track errors both for your JS frontend as well as your backend apps
Measure and improve your application's performance for a better customer experience
Measure and improve your application's performance for a better customer experience
Visualize how your app performs across the world and where you should concentrate your efforts
Visualize how your app performs across the world and where you should concentrate your efforts

Get more out of Atatus with Segment

If you enable Atatus within Segment, you will not need to perform any code changes to your site. Segment will automatically load the Atatus code onto your site on all that pages where Segment is loaded, and automatically translate information about your users’ identities, as well as the pages they visit. Atatus even provides recommended instructions for how to setup Atatus via Segment in their documentation.

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Integrate Atatus with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Atatus.