Analytics Swift Optimizely Full Stack Plugin

Add OptimizelyFullStack session tracking support to your applications using this plugin for Analytics-Swift

This plugin simply adds session data for OptimizelyFullStack, and events are sent using Cloud Mode.

Getting started

  1. In your Segment source dashboard, enable the “Optimizely Full Stack” destination (not the “Optimizely Web” destination).
  2. Include your Optimizely project’s datafile URL in your Segment settings.
  3. Create a native Optimizely instance in your server environment so you can access Optimizely decisioning methods like activate, isFeatureEnabled.
  4. Finally, define any events and attributes in your Optimizely dashboard, and to associate metrics with the appropriate Optimizely Experiments. Segment maps track event names to Optimizely eventName - the eventName corresponds to an experiment metric. In addition, Segment maps track event context.traits to Optimizely attributes.

Adding the dependency

Using Xcode

In the Xcode File menu, click Add Packages. You’ll see a dialog where you can search for Swift packages. In the search field, enter the URL to this repo:

You’ll then have the option to pin to a version, or specific branch, as well as which project in your workspace to add it to. Once you’ve made your selections, click the Add Package button.

Using Package.swift

Open your Package.swift file and add the following do your the dependencies section:

            name: "Segment",
            url: "",
            from: "1.0.0"

Using the Plugin in your App

Open the file where you setup and configure the Analytics-Swift library. Add this plugin to the list of imports.

import Segment
import SegmentOptimizelyFullStack // <-- Add this line

Just under your Analytics-Swift library setup, call analytics.add(plugin: ...) to add an instance of the plugin to the Analytics timeline.

let analytics = Analytics(configuration: Configuration(writeKey: "<YOUR WRITE KEY>")
analytics.add(plugin: OptimizelyFullStack(optimizelyKey: "<Optimizely Production Key>"))

Generate your optimizelyKey from the Optimizely Dashboard Settings. You can use a development or production SDK key.

Your events will now be given OptimizelyFullStack session data and start flowing to OptimizelyFullStack in Cloud Mode.


Upon invocation of a Segment track event, Segment maps the event to an Optimizely track event:

  • If the Segment event name matches exactly the name of an active experiment metric set up in the Optimizely dashboard;
  • If the experiment metric is associated with a running experiment;
  • If the current user is activated in a running experiment with the associated metric.

Segment also handles the following mapping:

  • Segment track event name to Optimizely eventName.
  • Segment track event properties to Optimizely eventTags.

revenue values should be passed as a Segment property. The value should be an integer and represent the value in cents, so, for example, $1 should be represented by 100.

Custom Event Tags are not displayed on the Optimizely results page

Optimizely’s Custom Event Tags, which include all Event Tags except revenue and value, are not displayed on the Optimizely results page. However, these tags are available in a Data Export report. Event Tags can be strings, integers, floating point numbers, or boolean values. Optimizely rejects events with any other data types (for example, arrays).

Segment defaults to identifying users with their anonymousId. Enabling “Use User ID” setting in your Segment dashboard means that only track events triggered by identified users are passed downstream to Optimizely. You may optionally fall back to anonymousId when userId is unavailable by setting fallbackToAnonymousId to true.


Invoking a Segment identify event sets Segment traits as Optimizely attributes. The attributes are sent downstream to Optimizely upon invocation of the next Segment track event.

Notification Listeners

Notification listeners are not available for Segment track events when implementing Optimizely using Segment using cloud-mode. Notification listeners are still available with any native call invoked from your Optimizely client instance.


Follow these instructions on how to set up Engage and Optimizely:

Using Segment Personas and Optimizely Full Stack for Omnichannel Experiments

GDPR Support

Segment supports deleting/suppressing users in Optimizely using the Segment app. In order to do this however, you will need to create a Personal Access Token in Optimizely and provide it as the value of the Access Token setting.

This page was last modified: 17 Jan 2025

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