Destination Filter Query Language

The Segment Public API is available

Segment’s Public API is available for Team and Business tier customers to use. You can use the Public API and Config APIs in parallel, but moving forward any API updates will come to the Public API exclusively.

Please contact your account team or with any questions.

This reference provides a comprehensive overview of the Segment Destination Filter query language. For information on the Destination Filters API (including information on migrating from the Config API), visit the Destination Filters API reference.

The Transformations API uses Filter Query Language (FQL) to filter JSON objects and conditionally apply transformations. You can use FQL statements to:

In addition to boolean and equality operators like and and >=, FQL has built-in functions that make it more powerful such as contains( str, substr ) and match( str, pattern ).


Given the following JSON object:

  "event": "Button Clicked",
  "type": "track",
  "context": {
    "library": {
      "name": "analytics.js",
      "version": "1.0"
  "properties": {
    "features": ["discounts", "dark-mode"]

The following FQL statements will evaluate as follows:

FQL Result
event = 'Button Clicked' true
event = 'Screen Tapped' false
context.path.path = '/login' false
type = 'identify' or type = 'track' true
event = 'Button Clicked' and type = 'track' true
match( context.library.version, '1.*' ) true
match( context.library.version, '2.*' ) false
type = 'track' and ( event = 'Click' or match( event, 'Button *' ) ) true
!contains(, 'js' ) false
'dark-mode' in properties.features true
'blink' in properties.features false

Field Paths

FQL statements may refer to any field in the JSON object including top-level properties like userId or event as well as nested properties like context.library.version or properties.title using dot-separated paths. For example, the following fields can be pointed to by the associated field paths:

  "type": "...",       // type
  "event": "...",      // event
  "context": {         // context
    "library": {       // context.library
      "name": "..."    //
    "page": {          // context. page
      "path": "...",   //

Escaping Field Paths

If your field name has a character not in the set of {a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -}, you must escape it using a \ character. For example, the nested field below can be referred to by properties.product\ 1.price:

  "properties": {
    "product 1": {
      "price": "19.99"



Operator Left Side Right Side Result
and bool or null bool or null true if the left and right side are both true, false otherwise.
or bool or null bool or null true if at least one side is true, false if either side is false or null.


Operator Right Side Result
! bool Negates the right-hand side.


Operator Left Side Right Side Result
= string, number, list, bool, or null string, number, list, bool, or null true if the left and right side are the same type and are strictly equal, false otherwise.
!= string, number, list, bool, or null string, number, list, bool, or null true if the left and right side are different types or if they are not strictly equal, false otherwise.
> number number true if the left side is greater than the right side.
>= number number true if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side.
< number number true if the left side is less than the right side.
<= number number true if the left side is less than or equal to the right side.
in string, number, bool, or null list true if the left side is contained in the list of values.


You can use parentheses to group subexpressions for more complex “and / or” logic as long as the subexpression evaluates to true or false:

type = 'track' and ( event = 'Click' or match( 'Button *', event ) )
( type = 'track' or type = 'identify' ) and ( properties.enabled or match(, '*' ) )
!( type in ['track', 'identify'] )


Function Return Type Result
contains( s string, sub string ) bool Returns true if string s contains string sub.
length( list or string ) number Returns the number of elements in a list or number of bytes (not necessarily characters) in a string. For example, a is 1 byte and is 3 bytes long. Please note that you can’t use this function with JSON as the argument. Using JSON may result in the function not working.
lowercase( s string ) string Returns s with all uppercase characters replaced with their lowercase equivalent.
uppercase( s string ) string Returns s with all lowercase characters replaced with their uppercase equivalent.
snakecase( s string ) string Returns s with all space characters replaced by underscores. For example, kebabcase("test string") returns test_string.
kebabcase( s string ) string Returns s with all space characters replaced by dashes. For example, kebabcase("test string") returns test-string.
titlecase( s string ) string Returns s with all space characters replaced by dashes. For example, titlecase("test string") returns Test String.
typeof( value ) string Returns the type of the given value: "string", "number", "list", "bool", or "null".
match( s string, pattern string ) bool Returns true if the glob pattern pattern matches s. See below for more details about glob matching.
bool( list or string or number or nil ) bool Converts the value to a boolean value.
string( list or string or number or nil ) string Converts the value to a string value.
number( number or string ) number Converts the value to a number value.

Functions handle null with sensible defaults to make writing FQL more concise. For example, you can write length( userId ) > 0 instead of typeof( userId ) = 'string' and length( userId ) > 0.

Function Result
contains( null, string ) false
length( null ) 0
lowercase( null ) null
typeof( null ) "null"
match( null, string ) false

match( string, pattern )

The match( string, pattern ) function uses “glob” matching to return true if the given string fully matches a given pattern. Glob patterns are case sensitive. If you only need to determine if a string contains another string, you should use contains().

Pattern Summary
* Matches zero or more characters.
? Matches one character.
[abc] Matches one character in the given list. In this case, a, b, or c will be matched.
[a-z] Matches a range of characters. In this case, any lowercase letter will be matched.
\x Matches the character x literally. This is useful if you need to match *, ? or ] literally. For example, \*.
Pattern Result Reason
match( 'abcd', 'a*d' ) true * matches zero or more characters.
match( '', '*' ) true * matches zero or more characters.
match( 'abc', 'ab' ) false The pattern must match the full string.
match( 'abcd', 'a??d' ) true ? matches one character only.
match( 'abcd', '*d' ) true * matches one or more characters even at the beginning or end of the string.
match( 'ab*d', 'ab\*d' ) true \* matches the literal character *.
match( 'abCd', 'ab[cC]d' ) true [cC] matches either c or C.
match( 'abcd', 'ab[a-z]d' ) true [a-z] matches any character between a and z.
match( 'abcd', 'ab[A-Z]d' ) false [A-Z] matches any character between A and Z but c is not in that range because it is lowercase.

Error Handling

If your FQL statement is invalid (for example userId = oops"), your Segment event will not be sent on to downstream Destinations. Segment defaults to not sending the event to ensure that invalid FQL doesn’t cause sensitive information like PII to be incorrectly sent to Destinations.

For this reason, Segment recommends that you use the Destination Filters “Preview” API to test your filters without impacting your production data.

This page was last modified: 04 Dec 2024

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