Segment Events

Connect with the Segment community to learn how good data can power every team.

Jul. 24, 2024 • Virtual


Unlock the Future of Customer Experiences with AI

Join us to hear Chris Lyon, VP of Software Engineering at Twilio Segment, unpack why the combination of good data, communications, and AI is the key to unlocking the future of customer experiences. Then, in a special Fireside Chat, Sylvia Sierra, Performance Marketing Team Lead at investment advisor, The Motley Fool, will share firsthand insights on how they are leveraging CustomerAI to save time and drive revenue — a win, win!

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Office Hours

Sep. 1, 202412:00am GMT

Weekly Ask-Me-Anything Sessions 🙋🏽‍♂️ (EMEA & APAC)

Meet with Segment Experts and fellow Segment customers in an open Q&A session to ask your questions on Segment best practices, product features and how-to inquiries.


Jul. 19, 20238:00am UTC

Using Reverse ETL to Make Dormant Data Actionable

In this special, customer-focused webinar, you’ll learn how Segment’s Customer Success Programs team uses reverse ETL with Segment to streamline data in order to maximize data efficiency and personalize customer experiences.


May. 4, 20231:00am UTC

Using Data to Drive Customer Retention

In this webinar, you’ll learn how Segment’s Customer Programs team uses Segment to collect product, engagement, and marketing data, calculate customer health scores, and run interventions to, ultimately, drive customer retention.


Jun. 28, 20239:00am UTC

Unlocking the Patient Profile: How to use real-time behaviors to build sustained care journeys

In this interactive session, we’ll demonstrate step-by-step how Segment for Healthcare & Life Sciences helps organizations, like Allergan, collect, unify, and activate patient behaviors across channels to enable real-time, personalized journeys designed to support improved health outcomes — all within a HIPAA-eligible platform.


Jun. 25, 20249:00am UTC

Unlock Your Warehouse Data for Precise Customer Engagement

During this session, we’ll demonstrate exactly how Segment’s Data Graph technology allows you to stay synchronized with the warehouse to achieve accurate campaign targeting with heightened data security across all touchpoints.


Jun. 25, 20249:00am UTC

Unlock Your Warehouse Data for Precise Customer Engagement

With Twilio Segment, you can elevate and adapt your marketing strategies effortlessly with a system built for growth, evolving with your data. During this session, we’ll demonstrate exactly how Segment’s Data Graph technology allows you to stay synchronized with the warehouse to achieve accurate campaign targeting with heightened data security across all touchpoints.


Sep. 14, 20239:00am UTC

Unlock ROI with Precise Personalized Customer Engagement Strategies

Join us for our interactive session to learn how your organization can deliver exceptional customer experiences while optimizing every marketing dollar spent and gain actionable insights plus proven strategies with customers like Vacasa, Craftjack, and Diamond Resorts.


Mar. 13, 202411:00am UTC

Unlock ROI: with a Warehouse Centric Strategy (NAMER)

Maximize your Segment investment and learn how to further unlock ROI from a warehouse, when partnered with Segment. In this webinar, we’ll walkthrough Segment’s evolution with data warehouses and how an extensible CDP plays a critical role in the warehouse journey.


Mar. 20, 20241:00pm UTC

Unlock ROI: with a Warehouse Centric Strategy (EMEA)

Maximize your Segment investment and learn how to further unlock ROI from a warehouse, when partnered with Segment. In this webinar, we’ll walkthrough Segment’s evolution with data warehouses and how an extensible CDP plays a critical role in the warehouse journey.


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