Segment Events

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Jul. 24, 2024 • Virtual


Unlock the Future of Customer Experiences with AI

Join us to hear Chris Lyon, VP of Software Engineering at Twilio Segment, unpack why the combination of good data, communications, and AI is the key to unlocking the future of customer experiences. Then, in a special Fireside Chat, Sylvia Sierra, Performance Marketing Team Lead at investment advisor, The Motley Fool, will share firsthand insights on how they are leveraging CustomerAI to save time and drive revenue — a win, win!

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Mar. 19, 202411:30am UTC

Unlock ROI: with a Warehouse Centric Strategy (APAC)

Maximize your Segment investment and learn how to further unlock ROI from a warehouse, when partnered with Segment. In this webinar, we’ll walkthrough Segment’s evolution with data warehouses and how an extensible CDP plays a critical role in the warehouse journey.


Apr. 4, 20238:00am UTC

Umgang mit Unsicherheit: Kundenbindung und Personalisierung vorantreiben, um dein Unternehmen zukunftssicher zu machen

In diesem Webinar zeigen wir euch, wie ihr First-Party-Daten mit der führenden Customer Data Platform (CDP) von Twilio Segment nutzen könnt, um ein einheitliches und konsistentes Kundenerlebnis zu erreichen.


Jul. 5, 20235:00am UTC

Twilio Engage Customer Spotlight Series: How to Transform Your Customer Experiences with a Customer Data Maturity Framework

Join Vasaca’s Director of Engineering and Marketing Technology Lead to learn about their CDP evaluation process, the partnership between engineering and marketing, and how advancing their data maturity resulted in a 3x increase in guest bookings from personalized emails.


Mar. 1, 20232:00pm UTC

Twilio Engage Customer Spotlight Series: How to Transform Your Customer Experiences with a Customer Data Maturity Framework

During this webinar, we’ll show you how Vacasa’s transformational data maturity unlocked their ability to understand their customers at every stage of the customer lifecycle and power engaging experiences that grow lifetime value.


Dec. 7, 20222:00am UTC

Twilio Engage: A New Era of Data-First Customer Engagement

Today’s marketers are being asked to do more with less—meaning efficient growth is more important than ever and personalized, precise communications are absolutely critical to achieving their goals. With Twilio Engage, we’re breaking down data barriers that have long held marketers back from providing the relevant, engaging experiences consumers want. In this session, we’ll be providing our deepest view of the product yet and show how Twilio Engage uniquely puts the power of a native customer data platform (CDP) and native omnichannel together in one solution so marketers can build data-first, personalized experiences that help reduce costs and grow lifetime value.


Jun. 14, 20232:00am UTC

The Future of Healthcare Technology: Improve ROI and patient outcomes with data-first strategies

Join Neal Patel, Senior Director, Analytics at K Health and guest speaker Forrester Senior Analyst, Shannon Germain as they explore healthcare industry challenges, trends, and success stories. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how having access to data that is unified and compliant will unlock patient personalization, resulting in greater revenue, ROI, and patient outcomes.


Jun. 28, 20238:00am UTC

Segment 101 en Espanol

Únete al equipo de Segment Scaled Success en una sesión de 40 minutos que cubrirá: La propuesta de valor general de Segment Integración de datos a través de las Connections Mejores prácticas y gobernanza de datos, incluyendo los Protocols Activación de tus datos con una visión holística de los clientes/usuarios a través de Engage, incluyendo Audiences y Journeys Cómo acceder a más de nuestros excelentes recursos de soporte


Sep. 18, 20231:00am UTC

Segment 101 - Portuguese

Junte-se à equipe Segment Scaled Success para uma sessão de 40 minutos que abordará: A proposta de valor geral da Segment Integração de dados através de Connections Melhores práticas e governança de dados, incluindo Protocols Ativação de seus dados com uma visão holística de clientes/usuários por meio do Engage, incluindo Audiências (Audiences) e Jornadas (Journeys) Como acessar mais de nossos excelentes recursos de suporte


Sep. 5, 202412:00am UTC

Segment 101 🚀 (NAMER)

Join us for an essential introduction to the Segment CDP and unlock the Power of Intentional Data Collection.


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