
Business data analytics

  • Enables custom data inputs, so teams can import custom business metrics like lifetime customer value or conversion rates and define how tables interact, without needing SQL knowledge

  • Automates data models from schema inputs and supports custom dimensions and measures for unique data visualizations

  • Uses “LookML” to help businesses harness SQL by defining table relations, specifying custom measures and dimensions, and integrate data directly into Github or a unique Git server


How Looker works

Looker is a powerful and intuitive business intelligence platform, but it’s up to you to input the right data in the right format in order for it to be useful. Looker accepts structured data from a wide variety of inputs, including from analytic data warehouses such as AWS Redshift. To connect to Looker with a SQL data warehouse, you will need some information about the server that hosts the database you want to connect to, the database name, credentials, and any security or permissions flags.

Looker gives you the option of having your instance hosted by Looker, or hosting the instance yourself. If you want to host your Looker instance on your own equipment or cloud service, you'll need to follow these general steps:

Install Looker - Add Looker to your server and ensure your server is setup properly to be secure, communicate with Looker services, collect troubleshooting information, and have backups.

Enable Secure Database Access - If necessary, choose and implement a way for Looker to communicate with your data in a secure manner.

Configure Your Database for Looker - Create the database user and password Looker will use to connect to your database, and enable persistent derived tables when possible.

Connect Looker to Your Database - Add your database information to Looker so that it can connect to your data.

Configure Looker Sign-in Options - Decide how users will login to your Looker instance and add those users.

Needless to say, installing Looker natively will require developer resources and time spent becoming familiar with Looker’s structured data requirements (as well as ongoing maintenance.)

Use the Looker Block for Event Analytics by Segment to establish the foundations of your analysis.
Use the Looker Block for Event Analytics by Segment to establish the foundations of your analysis.
Combine data across cloud services with behavioral event data to create a 360 ̊view of the customer.
Combine data across cloud services with behavioral event data to create a 360 ̊view of the customer.
Connects directly to Segment Warehouses, so you can drill down to the row level detail of your Segment data and create customized reports.
Connects directly to Segment Warehouses, so you can drill down to the row level detail of your Segment data and create customized reports.

Get more out of Looker with Segment

If you have a data warehouse connected to Segment, you can skip the first three steps of installation, and jump directly to connecting Looker to your Segment database.

All of the data you have collected with Segment can be loaded into your warehouse, and thereby you have the potential to view and interact with all of your Segment data within Looker. This includes data across all of your Segment sources: web, mobile, servers, and even other cloud sources.

Enabling Looker with Segment does not require any administration beyond entering your account details to enable the connection.

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Integrate Looker with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Looker.