User action recorder
Records sessions so marketers can see where users clicked, scrolled, swiped, or pressed and provides details on session length, starting page, and IP addresses
Filters users based on attributes like sessions started by new visitors, navigation page, or visit duration to funnel data
Provides dropoff data based on specific goals like signups or purchases, allowing marketers to track session dropoff and optimize pages
Uses JavaScript tagging API so marketers annotate screen captures and use code to find users with specific email addresses or filter against specific information
Provides heatmap visualization to discover which button users click on, which image or text users tried to click on, and find out where users scrolled and which content was effective
How Inspectlet works
Inspectlet focuses only on recording user sessions. Installing Inspectlet requires placing its Javascript code into your website. The script provided by Inspectlet should be placed anywhere in your site's HTML (preferrably in the section). Inspectlet is loaded asynchronously in a non-blocking way so it doesn't slow down your site. However, even the docs on Inspectlet’s website recommend Segment’s integration as the “one-click” option to installing Inspectlet.
Get more out of Inspectlet with Segment
Loading Inspectlet on your site via Segment makes installation super simple. The Inspectlet script gets loaded in the background on all pages, and for single page apps an Inspectlet virtual page will be fired anytime the Segment page
method gets triggered. All your Segment user and event data gets passed along to Inspectlet in the form of session tags. That includes user ID, user traits, event names, and properties.
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