
All-in-one platform for converting website visitors

  • Create, personalize and launch dynamic website content, forms, popups, sticky bars, surveys, quizzes and landing pages, without coding. 

  • Trigger automations and sync contact fields to segment leads into your connected email service provider’s lists, tags and workflows to start sending more personalized email campaigns. 

  • Drive conversions across your funnel by personalizing your website for returning contact segments based on their list segmentation, tags, custom fields, lifecycle stage, site activity and more.


How ConvertFlow works

ConvertFlow is the all-in-one platform for converting your website visitors. From one builder, you can create, personalize and launch dynamic website content, forms, popups, sticky bars, surveys, quizzes and landing pages, without coding. Drive conversions across your funnel by personalizing your website for your email marketing segments based on their lists, tags, custom fields, site activity and more.

Use one builder to visually create all of your website’s conversion campaigns, landing pages & calls-to-action, without coding.
Use one builder to visually create all of your website’s conversion campaigns, landing pages & calls-to-action, without coding.
Display, track and optimize conversion campaigns on your website that are personalized for each visitor and fully on brand with your company.
Display, track and optimize conversion campaigns on your website that are personalized for each visitor and fully on brand with your company.
Map conversion campaigns to each of your lifecycle stages, personalizing your website for each segment such as anonymous visitors, identified leads, returning users, valuable customers and more.
Map conversion campaigns to each of your lifecycle stages, personalizing your website for each segment such as anonymous visitors, identified leads, returning users, valuable customers and more.

Get more out of ConvertFlow with Segment

Installing ConvertFlow with Segment makes it simple to get set up and running without custom code or added implementation time. All you need to do is sign up for ConvertFlow, paste your credentials into the Segment integrations page and the Segment snippet will load ConvertFlow in the background to start tracking visitors and displaying them conversion campaigns. The user emails being identified by Segment will automatically identify visitors as tracked contacts in ConvertFlow, so you can personalize your website for them based on their contact segmentation in your connected email service provider.

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Integrate ConvertFlow with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up ConvertFlow.