
Analyze the impact of your OOH campaign in your apps with AdQuick Segment integration

  • Analyze the impact of your campaign on your digital channels.

  • Compare against a control market.

  • Calculate the lift in conversions for your goals.


How AdQuick Works

Outdoor advertising made easy. Find the best locations from over 1,000 media owners nationwide. Plan, purchase, and measure your outdoor advertising, all in one place.

Check how your campaign affects your user funnel
Check how your campaign affects your user funnel
Check how your campaign affects your page views
Check how your campaign affects your page views
Check how your campaign affects a specific user interaction
Check how your campaign affects a specific user interaction

Get more out of AdQuick with Segment

AdQuick is better with the Segment integration. Bring your Outdoor Advertisement campaign analysis to the same level you have with digital ads. know what is the impact of your OOH campaign on your digital channels. Calculate the lift in conversions that your campaign created. Learn what works and where you should run your next campaign.

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Integrate AdQuick with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up AdQuick.