Podscribe (Actions)

Podcast Ad Attribution, Automation, Analytics, Verification

Podscribe is the #1 leading analytics, verification, and attribution platform in podcast advertising. 

  • Attribute: Enables real-time ad tracking and attribution, so podcast advertisers can measure conversion data such as purchases, site-visits, leads, app-installs, etc.

  • Automate: Automate pixel-based attribution and analytics for all podcast advertising campaigns down to the creative level. 

  • Optimize: Get deep insights into your campaigns and take action to improve performance and scale effortlessly and efficiently.  

  • Verify: Verify and track impressions, reach, frequency, and more with a 3rd-party IAB-certified attribution provider.  

  • Full Funnel: Measure performance across any and all KPIs: impressions, site-visits, conversions, purchases, app installs, custom conversion events and more.

Unique Features: 

  • Independent and IAB-Certified 

  • Supported on all major publishers

  • Available globally 

  • Simulcast reporting and attribution 

  • Support across Streaming, Podcasts, and CTV

Understand the true ROI of your podcast ads down to the show, episode and ad creative.

Podscribe (Actions)

How Podscribe Works

Historically it has been difficult to measure the effectiveness of podcast advertising. Podscribe eliminates the guesswork by connecting downloads with on-site activity through household matching, cross-device graphs, custom URLs, and discount codes. We do this through our advanced pixel and prefix-based methodology.

This report shows how your podcast ads have performed over time including all important KPIs.
This report shows how your podcast ads have performed over time including all important KPIs.
Automated simulcast performance reporting and conversion modeling.
Automated simulcast performance reporting and conversion modeling.
Real-time verification reporting on which ads have issues and how each campaign is performing.
Real-time verification reporting on which ads have issues and how each campaign is performing.
Podscribe (Actions)

Get more out of Podscribe with Segment

Podscribe seamlessly integrates with Segment through a robust and scalable API connection. Here's how it works:

  1. API Integration: Podscribe connects with Segment via a reliable API connection.

  2. Automatic Data Ingestion: Once connected, Podscribe automatically ingests all your podcast campaign performance data directly into your Segment dashboard.

  3. Real-time Insights: In real-time, you can view conversion events, impressions, reach, frequency, site visits, and the performance of all your podcast advertising campaigns within your Segment dashboard.

With this integration, you can effortlessly track, analyze, and optimize your podcast advertising efforts, gaining valuable insights to maximize your ROI.

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Integrate Podscribe (Actions) with Segment

Segment makes it easy to set up Podscribe (Actions).